Tuesday 19 July 2016

5 Ways To Find Buyers For Your Domain Name Or Website

So many people have been finding it difficult to find buyers for their domain name. If you are among them, don’t worry after today you won’t be finding it difficult again to find your buyer because I am going to give you some strategies that will help you in your quest.

What To Do Before Selecting A Product For Import

http://erickenechi.blogspot.com.ng/2016/07/what-to-do-before-selecting-product-for.htmlAre you a new entrant into importation business, I must tell you the greatest challenges importers face is choosing the right product to import. You wouldn’t want after using the last penny you have to import a particular goods; you will be finding it difficult to make sales or to dispose of the goods thereby tying up your money.

Before going into importation

Tuesday 12 July 2016

How to make custard

Start making and distributing custard today, which is one of the small businesses that can be able to fetch you a whole lot of money.
Ingredients needed:

How to make a cake

The demand for cake are high today, there are lots of weddings, birthdays going on. If you venture into catering business you won’t regret it. I will teach you on how to go about it.
Ingredients needed:

How to start a football viewing center

This is one of the lucrative businesses one can engage in. youths today are football fanatic, always talking and wanting to know more about football, you can make money out of them.

How to start a sports betting shop

A lot of people have been making a whole lot of money from this business. This business gives privilege to a fan to bet on his favorite team or player to win with an amount and earns a

Saturday 9 July 2016

Business Idea – Business Plan – Business Management

It does not end with getting a good business idea. A good business idea without a good business plan doesn’t always survive and without a good business management will likely drain up all your capital.
First, it’s all about getting a good business idea which is likely to survive in your environment. This involves

Friday 8 July 2016

How to become a building material dealer

The demand for building material has been increasing over these years as shelters which is been built rises. Shelter is one of the basic needs of man, he can’t survive without having a place he can lay his head, that’s why the demand for houses will always continue to rise, and this will in turn give rise to increase in demand for building material. This means that the market is already there. There is high probability of survival and make it from dealing on building material.

Thursday 7 July 2016

Starting Dry Cleaning Service Business

The demand for dry cleaning services in the country today are increasing rapidly. Those already in the business are making huge 5 figure income from

Starting A Car Wash Service Business

Car wash service business is one of the lucrative businesses one can venture into. What makes it lucrative? Simply, because it is a service business and involves no much

7 Things to Do if You Want to Graduate With a First Class Degree

If you are reading this and you are past your first or second year as the case may be then you may be only able to use these tips to enhance your grades and not a first class. Getting a first class starts from your first year in the university, in fact your first test or exam goes some way to determine how you finish up

10 Tips For Getting Through Your First Year Successfully

1. Orientation activities are a must.
Even though they might make you feel awkward, even though there might seem to be 500 of them, you should go to as many orientations as you possibly can. Remember, most of the other people attending them feel just as awkward. Lean over to one of them and ask: "Haven't we already been to 500 of these things?"